Thursday, 13 October 2011

Bad day

09.10.11 should be a very nice date yeah? Unfortunately, I was hospitalised! Nope, not because I have popped! But because diarrhea and vomiting!! Was in the hospital for 2 days and those 2 days has been agonising for me.

The first day was the worst! I waited in the emergency for 3.5hours although I pleaded with the nurses to let me have a go first cos I kept running to the toilet every 15mins and the toilet is situated quite far! When it was my turn to see the doctor, I practically have not much energy left to even sit straight. My tummy felt pain but I already couldn't differentiate if it's just mere tummyache or contractions. The doctor was afraid that I was actually having contractions, asked me to be sent to the maternity ward with an ambulance!

I was sent to the labor ward and I was all alone. My mom couldn't come in with me, I couldn't bring my mobile with me nor any money. Just myself. Never felt so alone in my life. CTG machine on my right and drip on my left, I couldn't get up from the bed to even do my 'business'. I was given the 'can' to sit on and do it there. I was there for 2hours and watching the clock ticking by was enough to make me cry. Finally, they found that I was not ready to go in-labour, they transfered me to the antenatal ward. How happy I was to be off the CTG machine and first thing I did was run to the toilet! What a horrible experience!

Having said that however, I did learn something from those mothers-to-be like me in the antenatal ward. They shared their stories of being pregnant and told me not to be afraid. Hmm... not to be afraid? Well, I try but how not to???

As the due date is drawing nearer, I am waiting in anticipation and in fear too. But my hubby kept reassuring me that when the time comes, I won't remember the fear anymore as we'll be holding our little baby and all those pain will disappear. Easy for him to say. But I do hope that everything will go smoothly. Praying everyday!

I salute to all mothers in this world especially my mother and mother-in-law! The sacrifices they made for us, nothing can compare to it.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Mixed feelings

Oh gosh! In less than a month, I will be a mother.
Being a mother-to-be has brought many mixed feelings to me. Anxious, scared, happy, jitters, all jumbled up inside me.
I am surrounded by mothers as most of my friends have children of their own and I always seek their advice as I am really blur to what to do. Sometimes I wonder to myself, will I be able to be a supermom to my child just like my mom has been to us? Would I be able to protect her from the harm and bad things around? Would I be able to be her friend when she grows up?
Many, many questions popping in my mind but I know when the time comes, I would know what to automatically.

Now, only now, did I realise that being a mom is not easy.
Kudos to all mothers out there and especially to both my mom and Mother-in-law for being such a pillar of support for me and for all your children!