Thursday 25 August 2011

It's been a year

Wow! It's been a year since my last entry. Been pretty busy and tied up with many many things. Among others, getting married and now having a baby.
Just felt like penning down my thoughts about my journey to motherhood. I'm not yet a mother. Just on the way. As of now, I'm 7.5months pregnant. I didn't imagine myself getting pregnant, let alone becoming a mother. It came as a surprise but it was a pleasant surprise. Though at first, there were some uncertainties bout having the baby. But now, everything turned out fine.

First, was the worry of how are we gonna raise the baby. Things are just started to fall into place with my new life in Mongolia. And there were also thoughts of leaving Mongolia to further studies. All these were put on hold with the 'surprise'. But my hubby and myself are sure that everything will turn out just fine and that baby is a blessing and a gift.

So, 7.5months now, I'm still walking like my normal speed , in fact sometimes running which I'll get many lectures from many people.kekeke. I'm still getting used to being pregnant that sometimes, I do forget that I am and I tend to bend down suddenly to pick something up till I felt the tummy being squashed! How silly of me.

Baby has started to move alot and kicking some. But she has been really gentle on me from the time she was conceived till now. Oopppsss.... I gave away baby's gender. Yes, it's a girl! And I am really happy!!. She didn't give me much problem, no morning sickness, no vomitting. Just some preference for food that I used to avoid i.e Milk! But so far so good!

I love to feel her moving around cos it makes me giggle and my hubby will be laughing at me for being so silly. well, I'm carrying a baby. So, I can giggle as silly as I want to be as long as I'm happy. Don't you all agree?? =)

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