Saturday 27 August 2011

Would I feel the same?

When I was young, I used to be quite rude to my parents. Defying their every requests and going against them was my nature. But that changed ever since I was away from home for more than 3 years. The first I realised that my parents are getting older when 2 years ago when I invited them to have a long holiday in UK. It was just 1 year that I didn't see them but upon seeing them, I really think they have grown so much older.

Over the course of 3 years away from home, I do admit that it's fault on my part that I did not call home as often as I should. There always seems to be reason for me to not call home but most times, I really did forget being so busy and so tired afterwards.

Now, after 3 years away, I'm home, though not for a long time but long enough to really see that my parents have grown even older. One day looking at them and thinking to myself , how much longer they gonna be here with me made me burst out crying. My husband was dumbfounded as to what happened and he only held me tight till my outburst was over. He is someone who loves his family and treasures them so he understands how I feel. Though sometimes I might be talking loudly to my parents, but deep down it's because I care and want the best for them just like they want the best for us.

I also wonder to myself, now that I'm on my way to becoming a mother, how would it feel when your child shouts at you? Would you think that they don't care bout you? Would you feel that your love and care showered on them have gone to waste?

I guess not. Parents will always be parents. No matter how much they feel hurt by our actions, they never fail to protect us and give us the best. But what do we, as children do? Continue to hurt them and sometimes ignore them not realising they are the reason we are in this world till it's all too late.

So,love your parents now. Don't wait till it's too late to show your filial and love to them. I know I don't show them enough love but I'm trying to compensate for that now.

I love my parents. :-)


Erka said...

Best wishes for you and your parents.

Monkey Business said...

thanks, erka!